Saturday, November 7, 2015

Up in the clouds

It feels cliché nowadays to talk or write about living in the present. Countless motivational speakers and self-help books present the dangers on focusing too much on the past or the future. We know we shouldn't, but we do.

"I should have said this to her before it was too late."
"I wish I had studied harder."
"Will I be successful in my career?"
"What's my 5 year plan? My 6 month plan? What should I do Friday night?"

Personally, my time break-down is as follows: 1% in the past, 2% in the present, and 97% in the future. Perhaps this is the reason that I have such an awful memory. Events come and go, and either I don't think about them afterward or I never even fully process them as they happen. I'm always looking forward, worrying, planning, dreaming, wishing.

I want to #liveauthentic and #liveinthemoment and any other number of trendy Instagram hashtags that tell us how we should be, but its tough. Any tips out there?


  1. I like your perspective on the present. I also am always looking into the future and when I do that it can be hard to find joy in the present. Living in the now and being content with the now is a good way to find peace.

  2. I totally get what you mean. I am so focus on my future that sometimes I forget that I am living right now. This is the future I was thinking about a year ago! I think a good thing I have learned is that I can create my future right now. Everyday I get to make choices that will affect what becomes of me. I think realizing that right now we have control of what can happen is a good way to start thinking about today.

  3. Yes! Living in the now is so important, the past was fun and gives us good memories and lessons, and the future gives us goals and hope and dreams, but what are you currently feeling? Its now. It sounds supper stupid and simple but thats where you are, you can't actually live in tomarrow or feel any of its hapinesses which is why its so important to make sure you appreciate today.

  4. Interesting to think about. I know that a lot of what I do now is focused on the future, i.e. going to school so I can get a job later. Keep working on living in the moment!
