Saturday, November 21, 2015

Think Deeper

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for supporting any country or people that would ever tragically be terrorized. But can we really say that overlaying a French flag over your profile picture really supports the French people? I'm not entirely sure. I'm afraid that this kind of passive "support" leads us to believe that we are actually doing something, and afterwards we feel proud of ourselves and sit back comfortably. In reality, we did nothing of substance and the self-gratification ends any further action.

Also, what about the other countries that day and the days before and after. What about Nigeria, Lebanon, and Iraq? Do we only care because a western country full of white people were attacked? Maybe it hits closer to home because of that.

I don't like looking at this situation pessimistically, but we have to think deeper than profile pictures and feel more for the people in non-westernized countries.


  1. I like that you think deeper, Jordan. I am in favor of the profile picture changes, because it shows that people are thinking about Paris, and want to do something. You are right, though, that we shouldn't let that be the end of our actions to help those who need help right now.

  2. I personally didn't do it. I felt like it more was a "Cool" thing to do, and in the end, doesn't do much. Just a nation of Keyboard Warriors. But then again, I haven't done anything for victims other than offering a prayer, so maybe I should get off my soapbox.
