Saturday, December 5, 2015

I talked to a man tonight who told me about his conversion to the gospel. He started off his story by saying that it all began in 1938 when his father was placed in a foster home. When his dad was twelve, he entered a foster home on a farm in central Utah. After bouncing around from home to home, he finally settled with an LDS foster family. Although he never converted, he appreciated the kindness and acceptance shown by this family. At the age of 18, he moved to Chicago where he settled down and had a family. When his own son reached the age of 9 (the man telling me this story), his father sent him to this same farm in central Utah to work during the summers. His son was also touched by the kindness and generosity of the LDS family. After a series of events and trials, at the age of 17 this young boy felt like it was right for him to join the gospel. That teenager went on to marry in the temple and have four kids of his own. The majority of which have served missions and gotten married themselves.

Through the courageous and selfless decision to accept a foster child into their home, this Utah family unknowningly triggered a series of events that would bring many lives and future families into the gospel.

I've seen it in my life several times, but this is another testament to me. How the Lord often works in small ways to bring about great things. I hope to continually make myself available to be a tool in the Lord's hands just like this family was.

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