Saturday, September 26, 2015

This past week I came across this painting by Caspar David Friedrich,  Monk by the Sea. This isn't my first encounter with this artist or painting, but I haven't once thought about it since high school. Seeing it again made me reflect back on my first introduction with this artist during my junior year when I attended an english literature class taught by Mrs. Stidger. I had always enjoyed reading, but I was instilled with a new appreciation after that year. Mrs. Stidger taught with such passion and emotion that I could not help but be affected personally by the myriad of characters' victories and tragedies. I appreciated literature on a new level because of her efforts. She made me want to be a teacher. I had the desire to not only find a passion of my own, but to instill it in others, as well.

Seeing this painting again brought back these memories and feelings that I seem to have forgotten. I really appreciate those around me who have taught and led me with passion and heart. They have made a difference in my life, and I hope to pass that on.


  1. Fun post. I don't often stop and "consider the lilies" by looking at paintings. This post makes me want to take more time to look at paintings.

  2. Art is so inspiring. It truly allows us to indulge in different thoughts and feel some of what the artist felt while they painted it. I loved that you pointed out the passion and heart of those around us who made and continue to make differences in our lives. It really is amazing to see just how much of an impact WE are to those around us, too! Thanks for the post!

  3. I am also grateful for things like photos, music, locations, etc that bring back fond memories. I loved your post and I know that we can make a difference in people's life even by just giving them a simple smile or be like your teacher Mrs. Stidger and share our talents and passions with others.
