Saturday, October 10, 2015

Why do families grow apart? Why do siblings not even send so much as a Christmas card in 23 years? Was it worth it?

I'm currently undertaking a project about family ties--or maybe the absence of family ties would be a more accurate description. I recently contacted a family member I do not know very well and went for a visit. I was actually 6 last time I had seen her, and meeting her was almost like meeting a stranger for the very first time. I should have felt something toward her. I should have instantly felt trust, loyalty, and any number of other things. We share the same blood after all. But I didn't, at least not at the start.

Staying close with my extended family has never been a priority and I wonder how much I've missed out on so far.


  1. I am very fortunate in that fact that I am very close to most of my family, including my extended family. For me, they aren't just family they are friends. We love doing things together and often spend holidays with each other. I wish that other people had the relationships that I have. Because of that, I am very thankful for my family and our relationship!

  2. I've seen this many times. Not having great family relationships with everyone seems to be more normal in this world. The important thing it to remember that people can change! Don't judge this based on who they were yesterday, but who they are today!
